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The Emery City Council meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Emery City Office. The Emery City Office is located at 560 SD Highway 262, Emery, SD. The city council consists of a Mayor, who is elected at large and six Aldermen. Two Aldermen are elected from each ward. All members, including the Mayor, are elected to a two-year term.
City Staff & Leadership
Mayor - Andy Erickson
Alderman - Kenny Kayser (Ward 1), Elizabeth Weber (Ward 1), Brad Bartscher (Ward 2), Ryan Storm (Ward 2), Clarissa Weber (Ward 3), Ross Bartscher (Ward 3).
Finance Officer - Kristi Wollman
Maintenance Supervisor - Travis Kampshoff
Maintenance Assistant - Nick Ernster
Daycare Director - Kelbie Miller
City Attorney - Mike Fink
Health Officer - Kenny Kayser
Fire Chief - Travis Kampshoff
Assistant Fire Chief - Andy Glover
Fire Marshall - Travis Kampshoff
Committee Appointments:
Streets/Alleys/Lights/Signs - Mayor, Ross Bartscher, Elizabeth Weber
Park/Pool/Auditorium - Mayor, Kenny Kayser, Brad Bartscher, Clarissa Weber
Sewer/Water/Rubble Site - Mayor, Ross Bartscher, Kenny Kayser, Ryan Storm
Daycare - Mayor, Ryan Storm, Elizabeth Weber, Clarissa Weber
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